Guangzhou is one of the key places in the country. Its airport Guangzhou Baiyun International is serving thousands passengers a year. It is also one of the busiest airports around the country, with domestic and international flights. It means that it is busy all-year round. Arrive in Guangzhou by the help of one of our our partners to see its beautiful scenery and tourist destinations. The only problem is that you might have a hard time moving from the Guangzhou Baiyun International to the city center or anywhere in Guangzhou.
There are buses and sky links moving in and out of the airport to key places in the Guangzhou. Although the system is workable enough, the trouble is that you might have a hard time due to the number of pax. It is even worse if you have your kids with you. They will surely complain if the buses are crowded. Imagine carrying your luggage with one hand and your kid with another. You get exhausted even before the trip begins.
This is the reason why you need to go for an airport drop off service one of our best qualified airport transfer professionals they’ll make things a lot easier for you. As soon as you walk out of the airport exit, the only thing that you need to do is to find the pickup sign and get in. A special limo service will make things even better. After arrival, your chauffeur is already waiting at the exit for you. In fact, they will be there 30 minutes before your scheduled arrival. chauffeur will help you with your luggage, if you need special assistance. You just have to get inside the limo and rest. You may even request for drinks and food in advance. It takes time to arrive at the Guangzhou center from Guangzhou Baiyun International airport if the traffic is clear. While on the road, you can even nap. There is enough leg room in the vehicle for you to fully extend your legs. Your kids can also sleep along the way. If you are after a very long jet lag, it helps that you can just sit down and rest.
Your concern about limo service is that it might cost you a lot. The truth is that the rates are affordable. To begin with, there are different limo sizes for you to select from. You can also ask for quotes in advance. You can check the prices online and give payments pay online. Once your payment has been pushed through, you will receive the voucher and the receipt as your reservation is done.