Eternal East Bus and RV Charter Services 永東巴士及房車包車服務

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People who liked Eternal East Bus and RV Charter Services 永東巴士及房車包車服務 also viewed:

Minivan Toyota Alphard

Passenger : 5 Passenger + 1 Chauffeur Number of doors: 4 Luggage: 5 Wi-Fi : Free (selectable) Service: Newspaper, Magazine, Cold Water Excellent choice for CEO's Business Meetings, Airport Transfers, exhibition, private cross-border limousine transfers, company anniversary, sightseeing, local tour or other special events.

Kowloon, Hong Kong; Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong; New Territories, Hong Kong

Hourly: HKD 700.00

No Hidden Fees, Service Charge Included

Hourly: HKD 230.00

No Hidden Fees, Service Charge Included


OVERVIEW The Continental GT3-R marks an exciting new chapter in the Continental story. It is, by far, the most dynamic road car Bentley has ever created – a car inspired by our victorious racing heritage. Capable of reaching 60 mph from a standstill in just 3.6 seconds (0-100 km/h in 3.8 secs), the Continental GT3-R is a Grand Tourer with the performance of a racer. The Continental GT3-R develops 580 PS (572 bhp / 426 kW) and 700 Nm of torque, together with a 100 kg weight reduction and shorter gearing, making it the fastest-accelerating Bentley ever. To own this car is an opportunity of a lifetime: the Continental GT3-R is a limited edition, the rarest and most dynamic member of the esteemed Continental family, hand-built in Crewe and finished in Bentley’s Motorsport division.

Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong; Kowloon, Hong Kong; New Territories, Hong Kong

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