A King Kong Tour Bus Rental 創景本港旅遊巴租賃

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People who liked A King Kong Tour Bus Rental 創景本港旅遊巴租賃 also viewed:

Cadillac SLS

  • 3
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Up to 3 Passengers 5 Medium Pieces of Luggage Leather Interior CD Sound System

Kowloon City District, Hong Kong; Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong; New Territories, Hong Kong

Coach Bus

Vehicle Highlights Seating for up to 57 passengers Climate controlled interior Individual entertainment Comfortable cloth reclining seats P.A. System which is great for tours. Restroom Tinted, shaded windows Air ride equipped This coach bus is the perfect choice for guided photo tours and cross country sightseeing tours of the beautiful Hong Kong landscape! Your entire group will love the comfort and views afforded by this stylish class of bus.

Kowloon, Hong Kong; Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong; New Territories, Hong Kong

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